European Waffen-SS: Pan-European identity

SS-Regiment Westland
The opinions of tens of thousands of men can only be generalized, but in their post-war writings, most Waffen-SS veterans express satisfaction at having acted. Many Waffen-SS veterans claim they fought to preserve their country's cultural and national identity. They consider themselves as European freedom fighters in German ranks to hold back a greater evil, the Soviet Union. Nothing is gained by either blanket praise for the Germanic volunteers as heroes, or by universal condemnation of them as mercenary traitors. They offered their lives and service in the name of Europe and anti-Communism in an act of conscience. Additionally, many Germanic Waffen-SS volunteers felt vindicated by the creation of NATO. They believe they set an example of international cooperation. Credit: Marc Rikmenspoel, Waffen-SS Encyclopedia. Left image: a contingent of SS-Regiment Westland volunteers taking their loyalty oath of allegiance in September 1944. Westland was one of the three regiments of 5.SS-Panzer-Division Wiking. The other regiments were Germania and Nordland. Westland consisted mainly of Dutch volunteers, other nationalities like Flemings and Germans were also represented, but in much smaller numbers. Public domain. Right image: a female member of the SS-Helferinnenkorps, the women who volunteered to support the Waffen-SS. Photo by SS-Kriegsberichter Werner Mielke. U.S. National Archives.


  1. cistercian1/4/13

    I spent a short time with the foreign legion in the mid 70's and met quite a few ex-SS men, they inspired my belief and ideology to this day.

  2. Anonymous2/7/19

    I had rarely been exposed to unbiased views toward anything in 20th century Europe, therefore I recommend this site to anyone who is open minded and willing to look at the Waffen SS in a different light, contrary to the popular and misinformed beliefs of today. It also offers a great overview of its battles during the World War II. An eye-opening site free of the Nazi caricatures Westerners typically see. Thanks for these very informative short stories dealing with the foreign Waffen SS movement. I am looking forward to read more from this site. PS: My Grandfather served in the Waffen SS from 1942–45. He lived until he was 98.

  3. Anonymous2/12/20

    Whatever their reason was joining the W-SS doesn’t matter, they prolonged the war unnecessarily and by doing so they supported the Nazi regime's ideology and desire for domination. Membership in the W-SS was rightly declared criminal by the victors.

    1. Peter M.29/10/23

      All the damning of the past from ones own position of smug, unreflected, supposed moral superiority. It is tiring. Waffen-SS vets I met in the 80s and after, believed in their duty and what they were fighting for/against (chiefly, the threat of Soviet communism). They had a strong national pride and identity (foreign volunteers were no different). Many were honorable men who served with distinction. I learned a lot from them.

  4. European anti-communists rather than traitors.

