ϟϟ-Division Wiking: Corps order-of-the-day in the North Caucasus

SS-Division Wiking
SS-Division Wiking
When the chief of staff of the 1.Panzer-Armee explained the objectives to Wiking Commander Felix Steiner - a march on Grozny to be followed by a crossing of the Caucasus Mountains to strike Baku - the SS general was openly skeptical of the whole enterprise. The chief of staff agreed with Steiner's misgivings but emphasized that these were orders from OKH and were to be obeyed. This disjuncture between Hitler and his staff and the generals at the front would become ever greater, directly contributing to the failure of the campaign. 
Credit: the military historian and author Adrian Gilbert. Corps order-of-the-day: Effective September 19 1942, SS-Division Wiking leaves my area of command. I would like at this time to express my thanks and recognition for their first-rate accomplishments and brave operations during the advance on Rostov and the Caucasus. My best wishes go with the division for the future. /signed/ General der Panzertruppe Friedrich Kirchner. Source: Peter Straßner: European Volunteers. Images: Wikinger pushing forward deep into enemy territory in the North Caucasus. Volunteers from all over Europe were forming the southernmost vanguard of the German Heeresgruppe Süd. Photos taken by SS war correspondent Willi Altstadt. US NARA. FU.

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