Terror from the Sky – Allied Carpet Bombing of German Cities and Towns

British RAF and USAAF Carpet bombing of Dresden, February 1945
The destruction of Dresden, February 1945
Postwar Dresden – Die Gute 1945
When on the night of 24 August 1940 the German Luftwaffe accidentally and against Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's orders - dropped some bombs over London, the British prime minister Winston Churchill requested a retaliatory raid on Berlin. The Blitz, i.e. the air raids on London, began only after Britain had continuously bombarded German cities for three month. After the defeat in Dunkirk in June 1940, the heavy bombers remained the only means by which Britain could fight the Germans in continental Europe. RAF Bomber Command was later instructed to shift the focus onto the 'morale of the enemy civil population'. This new policy came to be called 'area bombing'. The aiming points for bombing raids were no longer military or industrial installations, but a church or other significant spot in the centre of industrial towns. German civilians had become a supposedly legitimate target. In 1944, the Americans too found themselves moving towards area bombing of cities. Although they would continue to claim that they were engaged in 'precision' bombing of military targets. By then, most German towns of industrial importance were all but destroyed. Since the heavy bombers were running out of targets, towns like Würzburg or Pforzheim, were selected primarily because they were easy for the bombers to find and destroy. Because they had a medieval centre, they were expected to be particularly vulnerable to fire attack. The raid on Dresden, filled with civilians and refugees, marked the erosion of one last moral restriction in the bombing war. Although these refugees clearly did not contribute to the German war effort, they were considered legitimate targets. The author and historian Jörg Friedrich presents a vivid account of the saturation bombing, rendering in acute detail the annihilation of cities such as Dresden, the jewel of Germany's rich art and architectural heritage in the book Der Brand in which he portrays the Allied bombing of civilian targets during World War II as systematic and in many ways pointless mass murder. The Fire is a rare account of the air raids as they were experienced by the civilians who were their targets. Friedrich previous work examining Wehrmacht crimes and Nazi justice enables him to approach the subject without risking automatic dismissal as a right-wing apologist. Quoted from Douglas Peifers review of The Fire. Credit: TV writer Detlef Siebert. Though no one involved in the bombing of Dresden was ever charged with a war crime, historical research often characterize the Allied bombing campaign against German cities in the last months of the war as a war crime. Top clips: the destruction of the medieval city of Dresden on the night of 13-14 February 1945. Bottom image: August Schreitmüller's sandstone sculpture “Die Gute” on Dresden's Rathaustrum somehow survived the bombings. It once overlooked a magnificent city. Now beyond its outstretched arms lies a sea of ruins. It took until the 1990s for the British and American governments to formally apologize to Germany for the unnecessary attack. Deutsche Fotothek. FU. 


  1. Brandstätten20/1/19

    The former chancellor Helmut Kohl praised the historian Jörg Friedrich's work.

    1. Marcin Grzybek29/11/20

      Fanatical soldiers of Nazi Germany destroyed Europe. Let us remember the sacrifices of the Allies and the Red Army. They were the ones who prevented the destruction of Europe's culture.

    2. Anonymous6/3/21

      The lack of historical knowledge and ignorance by Marcin Grzybek is mind boggling!

    3. Anonymous13/10/22

      May deemed it fit to remind that the British bombed Berlin before the Blitz. As said above, the Blitz was the German response to the air raids on Berlin and other towns and cities by the Royal Air Force. Arthur Harris, the head of Bomber Command, was obsessed with wrecking German cities.

  2. Anonymous3/10/19

    Churchill initiated the war crime of bombing civilian areas of German cities, later emulated by the Americans. Churchill also ordered that poison gas be added to the firebombing of German civilian residential areas and that Rome be bombed into ashes. The British Air Force refused both orders.

  3. wordsfromanneli28/5/20

    Important post. Bombing Dresden was one of the great crimes of the century; initiated, condoned, or authorized by the “good guys”. My mother lived about 80 kms away and went through a night of terror. She said the sky was lit up by “Christmas trees” falling (the planes dropped some sort of flares to light up the area). She put her two small children on the bed and covered them spread-eagled with her body to protect them. The whole house shook from the drone of the bombers and her big bundle of house keys rattled out of the lock and fell to the floor.

  4. David Hunt10/12/20

    My great uncle served in a Lancaster heavy bomber over Germany. He went down with the entire aircraft and crew somewhere over Germany on the 19th of March 1945. The bomber crews were men of great moral fibre. Brave and strong of character. We owe them a debt of thanks for their sacrifice.

  5. 현주치킨24/4/21

    드레스덴 가봤는데 아직도 전흔 투성이임.

  6. Chris Day6/10/21

    Allied bombers dropped 3.4 million tons of bombs between 1939 and 1945. That is an average of 27,700 tons of bombs each month.

  7. James Maxwell Johnson17/11/21

    The bombing of civilian centres and populations had been observed to serve little to no purpose for the war effort, and did next to nothing in the way of "crushing the morale of the people" as it was intended. Just a waste of innocent lives that deserved to have even allied leaders tried as war criminals.

  8. Anonymous30/11/22

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  9. BravoZulu9/2/25

    The most distinctive British contribution to the war was the bombing that destroyed the cities of Germany and killed hundreds of thousands, mostly women and children.
